Blog Post

High School Orientation Information

Luke Heintschel • August 28, 2020

Dear SJA Parents,

This post is to remind you of high school orientation on Monday, August 31 as well as provide you with some important details for the day. Students who are electing to do distance learning should not come on campus for orientation. They should pick up their books (drive-through style) between the hours of 2:00pm and 3:30pm (also on Monday the 31st).

The students who will be coming on-campus will be divided into two sessions, one at 9:00am and the other at 11:00am. You should have already signed up for one or the other here. Please arrive 15 minutes early since we plan on starting on time and keeping a tight schedule. Orientation should take about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Parents, please pick up your kid(s) promptly at 10:15am/12:15pm.

Before students arrive,
  1. make sure they are screened for symptoms of COVID-19,
  2. be sure to bring a face covering and enter campus wearing it, and
  3. ensure that students know to maintain physical distance from others while on campus.
In order to keep the number of people on campus as low as practicable, we are asking that parents refrain from getting out of your cars and coming on campus. If you have essential business to do in the office which cannot be done over the phone or email, then you may.
Can’t wait to see you all then!

Keep the faith!

Mr. Luke Heintschel, M.A.
Saint Joseph Academy
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