Saint Joseph Academy is blessed to have Fr. Charles Willingham, O.Praem on the campus of St. Joseph Academy on a weekly basis providing regular spiritual direction to all of our 8th grade and high school students who desire it. In these meetings, the students may bring up their spiritual or faith related questions and find answers inspired by the principles of the Gospel and faithful to Catholic spiritual and moral doctrine. The spiritual director may also suggest some readings either taken form the Gospel itself, from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, from the lives of the Saints, or from a good spiritual treatise. In addition to offering spiritual direction, Fr. Charles celebrates Mass for the staff and students and hears Confessions of students from all grades levels.
For more than fifty years, St. Michael's Abbey Norbertine Fathers have served the Christian faithful in Southern California- "lifting high the Holy Eucharist over the miseries and errors of this world" (Saint Pope John Paul II). Their community's apostolic ministries are many and various- from teaching religious education in prisons to serving as chaplains to colleges, the military, and communities of religious women- but they all find their source of common life of prayer and fraternal charity.
The spiritual tradition of the saints in the Catholic Church has always viewed spiritual direction—often considered as the “art of all arts”—as an excellent and most appropriate means for the faithful to grow in Christian virtue and discern God’s will in one’s life, thus taking significant steps toward holiness. The aid of a learned and prudent guide, while preserving the freedom of the one directed, motivates the student to progress in maturity and sincerity of heart, to a deeper relationship with God, and to a greater generosity of spirit.
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