The following are the procedures for students to be offered membership in NHS at SJAHS:
Initially, sophomores, juniors and seniors with academic GPA’s of 3.0 or above are eligible to seek membership. Each student should verify his/her exact academic GPA with Counseling. Transfer students with appropriate documentation are members
Each student is reviewed to determine if conduct qualifies one for eligibility. Academic dishonesty disqualifies the student for one year.
The students are then invited to fill out an information form which they download from the SJAHS NHS website. The student includes work experience, honors or awards, leadership and service activities. Each activity must be signed by the event moderator. No parent signatures are considered valid documentation unless the parent is the event moderator. Any and all relevant evidence which gives the Council documentation of the student's information is encouraged for inclusion.
NHS members are to volunteer 20 minutes/week of their time to an assigned teacher during the school year. Please make an appointment with Mr. Kerekes to confirm documented NHS service hours.
The entire faculty is invited to comment on the students who have returned forms, as such feedback allows the Council to determine if a consistent standard of qualities is maintained by the student, and provides the SJAHS faculty with the opportunity for input.
The forms are collected and a copy of each is given to the members of the Faculty Council.
Individually, each Faculty Council member reviews the students' forms and examines each using a rating scale of one to five (five is best, one is worst, three is average), for leadership and service. Commentary from the faculty is included.
The Faculty Council meets with the Faculty advisor, and after discussion of each individual's leadership and service, votes separately on the two categories, based on information documented in the form, and teacher commentary. A simple majority vote in each category determines whether or not the student meets the standards in order to offer membership in the National Honor Society school chapter. Students much achieve at least a three in BOTH leadership and service in order to be eligible for the offer.
The list of students offered membership is posted in the counseling area. Each student receives a letter offering membership, or a letter explaining why membership is not offered.
Students wishing to join must respond within five school days with a typed, signed letter, acknowledging the offer of membership and agreeing to uphold the chapter's rules and regulations. Each letter must be accompanied by a check for twenty eight dollars to cover yearly dues and the cost of obtaining an NHS stole for graduation.
An induction ceremony is held, at which time students become full-fledged members of the National Honor Society, and receive their certificates.
Frequently Asked Questions about SJAHS NHS:
Is it true that St. Joseph Academy's National Honor Society Chapter is limited to a certain number of students offered membership each year?
No. There is no restriction on the number of students offered membership.
Who makes up the members of St. Joseph Academy's NHS Faculty Council?
The Faculty Council is currently comprised of five voting members, representatives across the school's faculty; including the math, science, religion, history and english departments. The faculty advisor, as an ad hoc member, does not vote. The Council accurately follows procedures from the National Handbook, and upholds the commitment to high standards of character, academics, leadership, and service. Our chapter maintains standards which comply with national guidelines.
I'm a junior. I was not offered membership. Am I still eligible?
Yes. If you maintain good conduct, a 3.5 cumulative GPA and add to your leadership and service experience, you are still eligible as a senior.
I made a mistake and committed an academic dishonesty my sophomore year. Am I eligible?
No. You become eligible your senior year. One consequence of academic dishonesty is ineligibility for NHS for one year. Read the SJAHS Student/Parent Handbook, or your agenda.
My older sister (brother) has an NHS stole. Can I just pay my membership dues and use their stole at graduation?
Yes, but most students prefer to have their own.
When do graduating seniors receive their stoles to wear at graduation?
Graduating seniors are responsible for obtaining their stoles from the faculty advisor in May. If the senior does not pick up their stole, it is not the faculty advisor's responsibility to locate the senior who has not received a stole.
I am a freshman. How can I prepare for NHS?
You may wish to download the information form and begin to keep track of your leadership and service, documenting time, describing activities, and obtaining moderator signatures so when you become a sophomore, you will be ready.
What is a moderator?
A moderator is the individual in charge of a particular event or organization.
How important is it to have all signatures and current telephone numbers on the form?
Very important. This verifies your work, and if any question arises, a member of the council may contact the individual in charge for an explanation. If any form is incomplete, it will not be reviewed.
I'm an excellent student. I have a 4.2 overall GPA. I wasn't offered membership. Why?
Membership in the National Honor Society is not just about high grades. It involves long range commitment, persistent integrity, service and leadership in the community as well as school.
I'm a sophomore in NHS who transferred to St. Joseph Academy from my old school. What should I do?
Students who have been inducted into NHS are members of the chapter in the new school. Just bring a letter documenting your membership from your prior advisor to the Faculty Advisor of NHS here at St. Joseph Academy High School.
Do the service hours from my Christian hours count as "service" for NHS?
Yes, as long as these hours are properly documented on your information form.
Once in NHS, always in NHS, correct?
No. Inappropriate behavior, grades lower than a 3.0 overall GPA or lack of fulfilling NHS requirements (missing three meetings cumulatively [Sophomores and Juniors], missing three meetings in a row [Seniors], not showing up for service projects or ignoring NHS chapter projects) is cause for dismissal. The student receives one written warning from the Faculty Council. If the student continues with any one of the negative behaviors, and does not respond in writing in a timely manner, (within five school days) the Faculty Council may then meet and vote to remove the student's membership. Again, a majority vote is utilized. The student must return the NHS certificate given to them at induction. The student is not allowed to wear the stole at graduation, and loses the honors and privileges which accompany NHS membership. Once a student is no longer a member, National rules dictate that the student is never eligible for membership again.