Blog Post

Procedures for Parents

Luke Heintschel • August 31, 2020

Dear SJA Parents,

We are looking forward to seeing you and your children here at SJA for our new school year tomorrow, Sept. 1st!  

Just a few reminders and some updates:

Please watch, and have your children watch, our new reopening videos.

Symptom monitoring 
Prior to arriving at school: Parents are asked to screen their children for symptoms of COVID-19 and to take their temperatures. If your child has any of the following symptoms they need to remain home:
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Sore Throat
  • Fever or Chills
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Temperature of 100+ degrees
  • Any contact with a COVID-19 positive person in the last 2 weeks.

If you have given your child any medicine to address any of these symptoms, please wait at least 24 hours for your child to be symptom free without medicine.

We will NOT be awarding perfect attendance this school year.

Don’t forget your school supplies (all individually labeled) and water bottle (labeled with name). Our water fountains are suspended at this time but individual bottles may be refilled at our touchless water refill station(s). Students should come to school in uniform with their backpack, lunch (unless you ordered hot lunch), and facemask. We highly recommend sending your kids with an extra facemask. We all know how quickly kids lose things. Students TK-2 facemasks are strongly recommended by the state and county authorities, and Grades 3-12 facemasks are mandatory.

Arriving at school
Staggered drop off times: If your family number falls between 0-160, please try to arrive for drop off between 8:10-8:20 a.m. If your family number falls between 161-330, please try to arrive for drop off between 8:20-8:30 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8:35 a.m.

  • If cars start backing up between Las Flores Drive and Grand Avenue, we ask that you go through the stop sign and make a U-turn so you are coming down Grand Avenue and will make a right on Las Flores Drive to enter the school (see image below).  
  • Please make sure your “family number” is displayed clearly on your dashboard.
  • Please enter at the middle driveway and exit out the far driveway.
  • Please follow the normal drop off lane in front of the school.
  • Please do not exit the car until a staff member motions you to do so. Parents may assist their younger children out of the car who need assistance, otherwise parents are to remain in the car. All parents and students are required to wear face coverings when they exit their vehicles.
  • Tardy? Wait in your car with your child in the drop off lane. A staff member will let you know when your child can exit the vehicle. Entrance is through the normal entry gate after being cleared. At 8:50 a.m, tardy students will enter through the office. 

Dismissal time has been extended 5 minutes. We ask that you try and stagger your pick up times as follows: Family numbers 0-160 between 3:15-3:25 p.m. and family numbers between 161-330 between 3:25-3:35 p.m. 
  • If cars start backing up between Las Flores Drive and Grand Avenue, we ask that you go through the stop sign and make a U-turn so you are coming down Grand Avenue and will make a right on Las Flores Drive ro enter the school.  
  • Please make sure your “family number” is displayed clearly on your dashboard.
  • Please enter at the middle driveway and exit out the far driveway.
  • Please follow the normal pick up lane in front of the school.
  • A staff member will motion for your child(ren) to enter your vehicle. Parents may assist their younger children into the car who need assistance, otherwise parents are to remain in the car. All parents and students are required to wear face coverings when they exit their vehicles.
Regarding parents on campus
  • If a parent must visit the office, it should only be done for essential business that cannot be completed over the phone. The parent should park their car, go directly to the office and be screened before entry. Only 3 visitors will be allowed in the office at one time. There are physical distancing red dots at the office entrance that you may stand on until room is available to enter.
  • Parents are not allowed to gather in front of the school or on school property at any time. 
Our full reopening plan is on the front page of our website. Again, we cannot wait to begin this school year! Even with all these precautions, the whole SJA staff is excited to welcome your children back on campus!

Keep the Faith!

Mr. Luke Heintschel, M.A.
Saint Joseph Academy

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