At St. Joseph Academy we foster vocations to the religious life by various means:
The Mass
We include an increase in religious vocations in our school Mass intentions on a weekly basis.
"Eucharist and Vocations"
by Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
Eucharistic Adoration
"Spiritual Motherhood for Priests" - Once a week, parents meet for a Holy Hour in the presence of our Lord praying for an increase in vocations, especially from our own children.
Prayer For Priests
Prayers for Priests are included in the weekly family newsletter.
Annual visits
to the students by the Diocesan Vocations Director and other Religious Orders such as nuns from the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, and priests from Miles Christi and The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
Fishers of Men DVD
shown yearly to Jr. High and High School students.
Rosary for Priests
prayed by SJA students
Annual visit from the Serra Club
to 8th graders and participation in Serra Club's 8th Grade Vocations Essay Contest.
Celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life.
Office for Priestly Vocations — Explorer Day
Have you ever wondered if God might be calling you to the priesthood?
Explorer Day is a six-hour discernment experience for men interested in
learning more about priestly ministry and how Jesus Christ calls one to this
life of service. It includes Mass & other common prayer, presentations from
priests, and an opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics.