Summertime is a time for children to have fun and catch up on rest. One of the most important foundational pieces of a solid education is developing a love of reading. Our desire to preserve the spirit of summer (i.e. no required reading) while encouraging reading has led us to begin a summer reading incentive program that provides our students a little something extra to entice them to start reading more. Beyond simply reading more, we want students reading and getting lost in enjoyable books that go beyond entertainment by fostering and building a worldview that reveals truth, beauty and goodness. We cherish the importance of good, well-written classical literature and we would love students to pick up books form the sources we provide and so spend some time this summer going on adventures, progressing in virtue, and growing in their reading excellent books.
Let’s have a pizza party with the Principal!
read at least 10 books*
read at least 6 books*
(Unless abridged, high school level books count as two books for middle school students. Abridged high school level books count as one book for middle school students.)
High School: read at least 4 books*
Have your parent sign a list of all the books read over the summer and bring that list with you on your First day of school.
*Important note: All books must be chosen from the SJA approved summer reading lists.
Additional Program options:
Read half the required number of books and get an ice cream sandwich.
Read the required number of books and get an ice cream sandwich and pizza with the Principal.
Read twice the number of books required and get an ice cream sandwich, pizza party with the Principal and 2 free dress passes.
Read the most books in your class and get a special surprise!