Blog Post

Vaccine Mandates in Diocesan Schools

Luke Heintschel • October 8, 2021

As most of you are aware, SJA is not a Diocesan Catholic School...

More precisely, we are not considered (according to Canon Law, see Canon 803 here) a “Catholic School,” because the local Bishop does not have direct governance over our school operations. Yet, of course, SJA is legitimately Catholic in that we have a sacramental life and integrate Catholicism into our entire curriculum and indeed everything we do.

With impending vaccine mandates, there is speculation (though I am not directly aware of any final decision from His Excellency, Bishop McElroy) that the Diocesan Catholic Schools will require students to receive COVID vaccines as a condition of in-person education. Again, I do not know this to be the case, but it does seem realistic in my opinion. Such a decision of the Bishop would not impact us directly, since we’re an independent school.

There is a coalition of parents who send their children to Diocesan Catholic Schools to appeal to His Excellency Bishop McElroy attempting to request that he does not impose such a mandate on their children. It is significant to me that this movement is several hundred parents. I don’t know how many families there are in San Diego Diocesan Catholic Schools, but this seems like a pretty large contingent.

Most of our community, whether they desire the vaccine for their children or not, is keenly aware that the decision to vaccinate ought not be the state’s, the school’s, or the Bishop’s, but should be the decision of the parents. Acknowledging this truth, I heartily recommend to our families that they join in Christian charity with the parents of Diocesan Catholic School students in an appeal to His Excellency not to impose this mandate on students in Diocesan Schools. Two easy ways to join in are to sign the below petition and to pray for our Lord to guide His Excellency’s decision making according to His Divine Will. To that end, please see below for a message from a local Catholic priest on getting involved in this effort.

From a local Catholic Priest:

Thy Kingdom Come!

Good morning. I hope this message finds you well.

I received this from a brother priest so I am forwarding it to you.

Please forward to anyone that you think it might be helpful… to dialogue. 

Please, please. Everyone needs to remember charity; to be nice. Yelling, being rude, interrupting are not Christ like behavior. So, if you get a chance to talk to the Bishop, have facts – not just feelings, be passionate, but above all exercise self-control and true Christian demeanor. At the source of ALL our discussions and dialogue has to be prayer, knowing that God alone changes hearts. Jesus, I trust in you (not ourselves, our eloquence or arguments…).

Prayer is what obtained victory this day so many centuries ago at the Battle of Lepanto – Our Lady of Victory!! Our Lady of the Holy Rosary!!! Prayer changes things and mother Mary interceding on our behalf. She who was a slave of Lord (Ecce ancilla DominiFIAT – Behold the handmaid <<slave>> of the Lord… YES. Luke 1:38) and only did the will of God all the days of her life… sets an example for all of us.


The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (Exodus 14:14)

"‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s … You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!” Do not fear or be dismayed…, for the Lord is with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:12-17)

A group of parents of Catholic school children are requesting a meeting with the Bishop regarding vaccine/mask mandates. I know one of their leaders, Doug Farry, who tried for months to meet with the Bishop, speaking first with Galvan but not getting satisfactory answers. I believe they are acting according to the letter and spirit of Canon 212. If you have concerned parents, you may want to let them know about this movement. 

They can contact Doug at

Sign the Petition
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